July 19, 2012
I’m not sure how to put this family into words… We met them back in 2008 when we booked Aly and Ben’s wedding. Since then, we have captured two weddings, a newborn session, and now their entire family…not to mention lunch dates and other times of getting together. 😉 We have loved being a part of their memories and know how much they mean to all of them, especially Debbie. I know that she does not have a lot of memories of her growing up years, and I am so thankful that we have been the chosen ones to capture memories for the generations to come in their family.
We love you guys to pieces and can’t wait for the cook-out later this fall…when the temps are not in the 100 degree range. 😉 Hugs to all of you!
Oh, and a sidenote: due to my blog back-up…their session was actually taken in May…before the extreme heat kicked in, so there really was color surrounding us for their photos. I actually pulled some of the green out in my editing. 😉 Now, I think the IMA is the only location in the Indy area that actually has any color left. 😉
Beautiful work, Mel! Love that lil’ nugget, too! 😉