June 15, 2012
It’s hard to believe it’s been 3 years since we photographed Betsy and Greg’s wedding. They definitely had a wedding we will ALWAYS remember…good times, for sure. Well, here they are in the next season of their lives…as a family. I love being able to pick up right where we left off with our clients. Documenting these memorable times connect us in ways that will be long remembered.
Sweet Morgan is 100% her father! For those of you who know them, then you know what I’m talking about. She loves to be busy and ‘fire-truck, fire-truck…vroom, vroom, vroom’ is one of her favorite songs, by far. Believe me, it was a selling point for their session.
In all seriousness, this age is somewhat unpredictable as far as capturing them goes. The little ones are gaining independence and anxious to explore. Taking pictures is usually the last thing on their mind. However, capturing them where they are tend to be the moments we will always look back on. Smiles are easy to come by as they get older, but these moments are full of curiosity and wonder…and, I love it. Greg had mentioned that his preconceived thoughts about this session were nothing for what actually took place. And, I told him, ‘That’s about right.’ You can’t predict the temperament of this age, and that’s okay. You take it and go with it. And, I must say that looking at these photos now, it couldn’t have gone better. She is precious beyond words. Hugs to you guys! See you soon!
Oh my these are precious!! So many perfect smiles! Thanks for sharing!
These are awesome! I so need to do this with Alexis.