May 8, 2011
Happy Mother’s Day to many of you! I’m getting ready to start my 7th year being a mom and I must say there has been nothing sweeter in my life than our two little gems. Gabe came into this world during a crazy time for Jeremy-having had surgery 2 months prior and going in for a 2nd surgery 5 days after I had Gabe. We called Gabe our sweetness during a bitter time. He has definitely brought a lot of sweetness into our lives and a love for all things boy. As for Claire, she’s our firecracker, bossy one, girly one, sassy one. We have 2 complete opposites which has made life a bit crazy, but absolutely perfect.
Each day I pray for Gabe and Claire and the direction God has for them in this life. I also pray for Jeremy and I and our role as parents. We have been blessed with parents who have paved the way for us and are clearly seeing their prayers for us being answered as we go through this life. I hope that one day we can experience the same reward.
For those of you who are mothers, my hope is that you have truly enjoyed the day designed just for you. For those of you who aren’t quite there yet or are hoping to be soon, I trust that God will prepare your hearts for a journey that will be beyond your wildest dreams.
And, now for what you have been waiting for–this year’s giveaway! This has developed into quite the tradition and I must admit…I almost forgot about it this year. The month of April involved quite a bit of traveling, as you know, and we have been working hard to prepare for our busiest season yet. So, this year, it’s simple:
1. Go to our facebook page: Carpenter Photography & Design
2. Like our page!!
3. Come leave a comment on this blog post and tell me that you liked our page on facebook.
4. You can only comment once a day after liking our page. If you decide to act on number 5 (below) after liking our page then it is possible that you may get to leave more than one comment a day.
5. If you already liked our page before the giveaway, share this info with a friend-have them like our facebook page, leave a comment, then you can also leave a comment (be sure to tell me who you sent our way :). The more friends you send our way, the more comments you can leave. And, the more comments you leave, the better your chances.
6. You do NOT have to be a mom for this giveaway.
7. You have until Friday, May 13-my birthday!!!-to do this. The winner will be randomly selected from our comment section and announced on Monday, May 16.
8. The winner will receive a free family session (up to 5 people) to be used in 2011. The winner will also receive a $50 credit that can be applied to prints or packages.
9. If you’re not located in the Indianapolis area, we enjoy traveling. Don’t hesitate to contact me to see how that works.
10. Good luck! Looking forward to sharing the winner with you soon!
Oh, and depending on my mood (and the number of comments I may add in some other random goodies such as credits and discounts. So, comment away!
I couldn’t help but share half of my Mother’s Day gift with you. Jeremy surprised me with a drawing of Claire. He is finishing up Gabe’s right now. I can’t wait to get them on our walls-such a perfect gift! Many of you haven’t seen any of Jeremy’s other areas of expertise. Well, here you have it…he’s pretty amazing-and I’m pretty lucky to get to share my life with him! To see the original image click HERE.
I just liked your FB page!!!
Hi Melody, I love looking at your pics. Its great to see you having fun being a mom! I would love you have you come to St Louis for a visit and some pics!! So put me in your drawing! I like you page also!!
Mel – Happy Mother’s Day! Such sweet pictures of you with your babies. We are such big fans of yours (on Facebook and beyond)!
I would love a session with you! I have “liked” your page (after Shelley McCrady’s session) and am a photographer myself. We have a new baby coming in a few weeks and it would be great to get a new update on family pictures.
I liked your page on Facebook. We would love to have a session. Nathaniel has changed so much since our Heirloom session, you won’t recognize him! We’re great at taking pictures of the kids themselves, but not so great at getting whole family shots.
We have loved our photo sessions with CPD! We always come away with unique treasures that are admired by so many!
I have liked your page on facebook for some time! Your photos are always beautiful. We keep looking for a photographer in our area but I keep comparing their work to yours and there is no comparison. We need to schedule a mini vacation your way so we can get some pics of our sweet boy!
I don’t need a free session–just wanted to say I loved your Mother’s Day collage–and Claire’s pencil drawing is beautiful!
I like your facebook page and definitely want to win! Love you…. call me soon when you can.
I like your FB page the line in under “About” that says, “We love what we do!” So many people go through life not loving what they do, so I”m glad you’re using your God-given talents for His glory and for our benefit, as a family that wants to captures memories. I hope we win, so we can work with you again!!!
Just commenting again
I am so happy that we can look back at Grant’s newborn and 1 year pictures and see him at each stage. You captured his personality perfectly each time!
I liked your FB page forever. But I left a comment. Also I put it in my status line for people to check out your site
And the drawing of claire is magnificent.
Commenting again….and still crossing my fingers!
Melody, thank you for your amazing work. I enjoy seeing how you have captured our little guy, but also how the other babies and kids show their personalities through your camera’s lens. Keep doing what you do! We have been blessed by you and hope that you had a wonderful Mother’s day. I love you collage of mom and kid pictures…so beautiful in your role. I have liked your FB pg. and enjoy its updates.
Commenting again – would love to enjoy another session with you, Mel!
Seeing you in July, but would love to see you again.
You have a way of capturing moments that are breathtaking. Would love to win a session for my beautiful daughter and her newborn son.
I can’t believe I hadn’t already liked your facebook page, of course I have always liked you but now it is official!
Would love to have you take pictures of my kids again! Your pictures are absolutely beautiful!
I ‘LOVED’ your page!!
I would love to have pictures taken by you!! Your pictures are so beautiful and full of love!
Ashley said I should like you. I kinda do already
Hopefully husbands count as friends. He hadn’t liked your FB page yet, now he has. :). Hope you are doing great!
I liked you’re FB page (thought I thought I had a while back) sorry. Love all the work you do, and would love to see what amazing pictures you would take of our family.
Oh, Melody! This is incedible! Jeremy is so, so talented. I absolutely LOVE this picture. Can’t wait to see Gabe’s picture.
Love reading all the comments from those that have had sessions with you before, makes me want to win even more!!
My husband ‘liked’ your page too!
So I’m leaving another comment! 
Too bad you don’t live here–you’d have 2 newborn pictures to do. Such sweet little girls–
Commenting. Again
I’m back! Love the picture of Claire, just amazing!
I’m commenting again
I’m commenting again!
Sadly, my last comment :(. Wishing I could throw in a few dozen more entries before time ends!
I absolutely love your photography style! Happy Birthday! (oh, and i liked your FB page too!)
Not doing it for the contest – you know I liked you LONG before this – and I believe this contest is over – but just to say – the 3rd photo on the top row is STUNNING! You look gorgeous! It’s just such a joy working WITH you and to see you be the subject of such so many pretty photos brings a smile to my face, but that one esp!
Love you Melody! M.